3 Effective Animal Prevention Tips

HomeTriad Wildlife Experts Blog3 Effective Animal Prevention Tips

If you have ever experienced an unwelcome wildlife intrusion in your home, you are probably not keen to repeat this event. Fortunately, you won’t have to worry about future wildlife issues when you turn to our team at Triad Wildlife Experts for animal prevention assistance. We have extensive experience in animal control, and we can help you take steps to keep wildlife out of your home.

3 Effective Animal Prevention Tips

In this article, we will go over three tips to aid you in your wildlife prevention efforts.

  • Secure All Trash Receptacles – Our first tip for animal prevention is to secure your trash cans or other containers. Wild animals, such as racoons, opossums, and skunks, love scavenging through trash to find meals, and if your trash is easy to get to, your property will become a favorite target for these animals. Keep your trash cans firmly shut and weighted down to discourage pests from digging around in them.
  • Seal Off Points of Entry – Our second animal prevention is to find any gaps in your home’s exterior and seal them off with a barrier of some kind. For example, make sure the seals around your windows are properly caulked, and add mesh barriers over your vents and chimney. This will prevent animals from entering your home.
  • Use Lights to Deter Wildlife – Our third animal prevention tip is to install motion-activated lights around the exterior of your home. Most animals prefer dark, secluded, quiet places to make their dens, and motion-activated lights can startle them enough to make them back away from your home.